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Library Management (Vol. 1)
C.K. Sharma, Kiran Singh
Library Management is not a new concept. Evolved with the inception of libraries, its original concept, that lacked systematic procedures and scientific application, has underwent a remarkable change to cope up with the present era of advanced inf...
View full detailsLibrary Management (MULTI VOL SET-2 Vols.)
C.K. Sharma, Kiran Singh
In the present book, Library Management, attempts have been to include all the latest informations related to library systems, procedures, automation and various activities of the libraries which affect the readers service. The book is divided int...
View full detailsLibrary Classification
C.K. Sharma, A.K. Sharma
The need for library classification is growing with the multifaceted, multidimensional and infinite growth of literature as well as the user’s requirement. Since the objective of library classification is to facilitate subject access by enabling t...
View full detailsLibrary Automation
Muhammad Riaz
In a readable manner the book (races the history of computer, basics of hardware and software, input-output concepts and devices. It describes the offline and online methods of computer applications in six areas of library work: circulation, catal...
View full detailsLibrary and Information Science: for UGC-NET, SLET/JRF and Other Competitive Examinations" Objective Type Questions 2
D.K. Pandey
Once in a decade a book is designed and published, mastering which, readers may feel masters of subject. With the vast experience in Library Science and its management, the author presents the book which is complete in all its aspects and approach...
View full detailsLibrary And Information Science: For NET, SLET and Other Competitive Examinations Objective Type Questions
D.K. Pandey
Once in a decade a book is designed and published, mastering which, readers may feel master of the subject. With the vast experience of Library Science and its management, the author presents the book which is complete in all its aspects and appro...
View full detailsLibrary And Information Science In A Digital Era
K.T. Dilli
We are living in an age of ‘Information Explosion’. Large amount of information is being generated every moment. This has led to harnessing the use of information services to serve the diversified users in the field of library and information scie...
View full detailsLibrary and Information Science for UGC-NET/SLET and other Competitive Examinations: Theory and Objective Type Questions with Answers
Md Gulnawaz Azam, Arun Kumar Sinha
The book, Library and Information Science covers paper II and III of the UGC-NET/JRF conducted by UGC for lectureship and research fellowship in Indian universities in this subject. It contains eleven chapters covering the prescribed syllabus for ...
View full detailsLibrary And Information Science For Ugc-Net/Slet And Other Competitive Examinations: Objective Type Questions
Atlantic Research Division
The book has been designed for those appearing in UGC-NET/SLET in the subject of Library and Information Science. It would also be useful for candidates preparing for competitive exams like Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) exam i...
View full detailsLibrary And Information Science
D.K. Pandey
“Once in decade a book is designed and published, mastering which, readers may feel master of the subject.” With the vast experience of Library Science and its management, the author presents such a book which is complete in its aspects and approa...
View full detailsLibrary 2.0 And Information Management: Essays in Honour of Dr. Jalaja V.
Dineshan Koovakkai, T.M. Vasudevan
Library and Information Science (LIS) is a dynamic subject and a noble profession which has the prime objective of informing and enlightening the people in various walks of life. This book is a commemorative volume brought out on the eve of retir...
View full detailsLibrary & Information Science: Objective
C.K. Sharma, Rakesh Kumar
The book comprehensively covers the new syllabus of Library and Information Science and provides an authentic source material for multiple choice questions, with answers, as per revised pattern of NET. Vol. I contains objective questions of differ...
View full detailsLibrary & Information Science: Critique and Definitional Questions
C.K. Sharma, Akhil Kumar Singh
The book comprehensively covers the new syllabus of Library and Information Science and provides an authentic source material for multiple choice questions, with answers, as per revised pattern of NET. Vol. I contains objective questions of differ...
View full detailsLibrary & Information Science: Analytico/Evaluative Questions and Essay Writing
C.K. Sharma, Akhil Kumar Singh, Rakesh Kumar
The book comprehensively covers the new syllabus of Library and Information Science and provides an authentic source material for multiple choice questions, with answers, as per revised pattern of NET. Vol. I contains objective questions of differ...
View full detailsLibrary & Information Science
C.K. Sharma, Akhil Kumar Singh
The book comprehensively covers the new syllabus of Library and Information Science and provides an authentic source material for multiple choice questions, with answers, as per revised pattern of NET. Vol. I contains objective questions of differ...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (Vol. 7)
K.R. Gupta
The distinct economic processes underlying what is commonly called globalisation include expansion of international trade in goods and services, freer flow of technology, enhanced flow of foreign direct investment, freer movement of persons across...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (Vol. 6)
K.R. Gupta
In India, the move towards globalisation and free trade coincided with the process of structural reforms and economic liberalisation that began in July 1991. Since then the country has seen a significant integration of markets in commodity, servic...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (Vol. 5)
K.R. Gupta
The Government of India has recently introduced a number of second generation reforms. But unfortunately it has not been possible to keep up the desired pace because of resistance from the opposition, and also from some allies on certain matters. ...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (Vol. 4)
K.R. Gupta
The Government of India has decided to go ahead with the second generation reforms in spite of criticism from various quarters including the opposition, Swadeshi Jagran Manch, RSS, and some allies in ruling coalition. The Government has already ta...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (Vol. 2)
K.R. Gupta
Six years have passed since the fast process of Liberalisation and Globalisation was started in India in July 1991. The book examines the achievements and failures of the process of economic reforms during this period. It makes useful suggestions ...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (Vol. 1)
K.R. Gupta
Six years have passed since the fast process of Liberalisation and Globalisation was started in India in July 1991. The book examines the achievements and failures of the process of economic reforms during this period. It makes useful suggestions ...
View full detailsLiberalisation And Globalisation Of Indian Economy (MULTI VOL SET 7 Vols.)
K.R. Gupta
The Government of India has recently introduced a number of second generation reforms. But unfortunately it has not been possible to keep up the desired pace because of resistance from the opposition, and also from some allies on certain matters. ...
View full detailsLet's Transform India: First Things First
V. R. Meenakshi Sundaram
Most of the books on Indian Civics contend that the civic and administrative systems in India are structurally sound and the problems lie only in their implementation. This book challenges this ‘holy-cow’ notion. It aims to convince that some of o...
View full detailsLegal Regime Of Marine Environment In The Bay Of Bengal
M. Habibur Rahman
There is a growing concern about the change in composition of the atmosphere, depletion of the ozone shield, pollution of marines and rapid population growth leading to alarming imbalance between population and resources. Concerted efforts are bei...
View full detailsLeft Out In Bengal: Mamata Mahout on Congress Elephant
Uday Basu
The biggest story of Bengal in post-Independence India is the overthrow of the 34-year-long Marxist regime in May 2011. The collapse of Marxist rule marks the end of a dream about a corruption-free, egalitarian socio-economic-political system. Whe...
View full detailsLeading Issues In Indian Economy
Manoranjan Sharma
The deregulation of the Indian economy, which started in the 1980s, received an impetus in 1991. While the balance of payments crisis may have provided the immediate trigger, there were structural and deeper long-term reasons underlying a paradigm...
View full detailsLaw Of Contempt Of Court In India
K. Balasankaran Nair
Contempt of Court, because of its controversial nature, has created contradictory opinions among the jurists as well as scholars. The contempt jurisprudence with the common law origin has been transmitted into the Indian jurisprudence by the Court...
View full detailsLanguage And Literature: Divers Indian Experiences
Qaiser Zoha Alam
The book contains six interesting and useful essays on Indian English literature. As it contains several essays on Urdu Literature and studies where English and Urdu have been compared and contrasted the teachers and students of Urdu may also bene...
View full detailsLand Use Diversification For Sustainable Rainfed Agriculture
B. Soni, K.D. Sharma
Rainfed agriculture has a distinct place in Indian agriculture, occupying 68 per cent of the total cultivated area and supporting 40 per cent of human and 60 per cent of livestock population. Agriculture in rainfed areas continues to be a gamble b...
View full detailsLand Revenue Administration In The Punjab 1849-1901
Inderjit Sharma
Land Reforms And Agricultural Development
K. Sain
Land Grants in Early Medieval North India: A Socio-Economic Analysis
Manjeet Singh
Land Grants in Early Medieval North India: A Socio-Economic Analysis is an attempt to make a thorough study to fill in the gaps of the previous studies into land grants where primary sources were less revoked. It discusses the Early Medieval North...
View full detailsLady Login'S Recollections: Court Life and Camp Life (1820-1904)
E. Dalhousie Login
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Ther...
View full detailsLadakh Then And Now
Zain-ul-Aabedin Aabedi
Ladakh, located in the north of India is characterized by barren lands and snow-clad mountains. The present Ladakh consists of Leh and Kargil of India whereas Skarda and Gilgit, once the parts of pre-independence Wazarat of Ladakh, are now parts ...
View full detailsLabour Economics And Labour Problems
M.v. Joshi
The book is very useful for the students, teachers, researchers and scholars, working in colleges and universities. It has been written according to syllabi prescribed for postgraduage and undergraduate level in Arts, Commerce, Law and Labour Facu...
View full detailsLabour And Industrial Relations Law
T. Vijaya Kumar
Labour law mediates the relationship between workers, employers, trade unions and the government. Collective labour law bounds up with tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union, while individual labour law concerns employees' ri...
View full detailsLaagat Lekhankan (Vol. 2)
Daryab Singh
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक लेखांकन विषय से सम्बन्धित सभी अध्यायों की विस्तृत जानकारी देने की एक सफल कोशिश है। समस्त विषय सामग्री को रोचक एवं विश्लेषणात्मक ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है जिससे कि विषय को सरलता से पूर्णरूपेण समझा जा सके। विषय के सैद्धांतिक तथा व्...
View full detailsLaagat Lekhankan (Vol. 1)
Daryab Singh
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक लेखांकन विषय से सम्बन्धित सभी अध्यायों की विस्तृत जानकारी देने की एक सफल कोशिश है। समस्त विषय सामग्री को रोचक एवं विश्लेषणात्मक ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है जिससे कि विषय को सरलता से पूर्णरूपेण समझा जा सके। विषय के सैद्धांतिक तथा व्...
View full detailsLaagat Lekhankan (MULTI VOL SET-2 Vols.)
Daryab Singh
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक लेखांकन विषय से सम्बन्धित सभी अध्यायों की विस्तृत जानकारी देने की एक सफल कोशिश है। समस्त विषय सामग्री को रोचक एवं विश्लेषणात्मक ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया गया है जिससे कि विषय को सरलता से पूर्णरूपेण समझा जा सके। विषय के सैद्धांतिक तथा व्...
View full detailsKuka Movement: Freedom Struggle in Punjab
Jaswinder Singh
Kiran Desai And Her Fictional World
Vijay K. Sharma, Dr. Neeru Tandon
India has been consistently producing award-winning authors or inspiring other writers to base their works on Indian colour, themes and identity. Kiran Desai has written an exquisite novel which won the prestigious Booker Award and found a place i...
View full detailsKingship In India From Vedic Age To Gupta Age
Ravindra Sharma
King had a pivotal role to play in the ancient Indian polity and as such, the study of kingship and its various related aspects is of tremendous importance. No doubt, much has been written about the Kingship by authors like R.C.P. Singh and Padma ...
View full detailsKing Solomon'S Mines
H. Rider Haggard
King Solomon’s Mines, the first English adventure novel set in Africa describes a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. The novel is Allan Quatermai...
View full detailsKim
Rudyard Kipling
Kim, a picaresque novel by Rudyard Kipling, was published serially in McClure’s Magazine, before being published in book form in 1901. The story is set in India in the backdrop of the political conflict between Russia and Britain, after the end of...
View full detailsKhalil Gibran: Kavya Sankalan
Dr. Narendra Choudhry
कवि, ज्ञानी और चित्रकार खलील जिब्रान ने लेबनान में जन्म लिया, जहां की धरती ने अनेक पैगम्बर उत्पन्न किये हैं। अरबी भाषा के ही नहीं अपितु विश्वभर में अनगिनत लोग, क्योंकि विश्व की अनेक भाषाओं में उनकी पुस्तकों का अनुवाद हुआ है, उन्हें सदी की सर्वोष्ट...
View full detailsKhalil Gibran (Vol. 3)
Dr. Narendra Choudhry
कवि, ज्ञानी और चित्रकार खलील जिब्रान ने लेबनान में जन्म लिया, जहां की धरती ने अनेक पैगम्बर उत्पन्न किये हैं। अरबी भाषा के ही नहीं अपितु विश्वभर में अनगिनत लोग, क्योंकि विश्व की अनेक भाषाओं में उनकी पुस्तकों का अनुवाद हुआ है, उन्हें सदी की सर्वोष्ट...
View full detailsKhalil Gibran (Vol. 2)
Dr. Narendra Choudhry
कवि, ज्ञानी और चित्राकार खलील जिब्रान ने लेबनान में जन्म लिया, जहां की धरती ने अनेक पैगम्बर उत्पन्न किये हैं। अरबी भाषा के ही नहीं अपितु विश्व भर में अनगिनत लोग, क्योंकि विश्व की अनेक भाषाओं में उनकी पुस्तकों का अनुवाद हुआ है, उन्हें सदी की सर्वोष...
View full detailsKhalil Gibran (Vol. 1)
Dr. Narendra Choudhry
खलील जिब्रान, 1883-1931, कवि, ज्ञानी और चित्राकार खलील जिब्रान ने लेबनान में जन्म लिया, जहां की ध्रती ने अनेक पैगम्बर उत्पन्न किये हैं। अरबी भाषा वेफ ही नहीं अपितु विश्व भर में अनगिनत लोग, क्योंकि विश्व की अनेक भाषाओं में उनकी पुस्तकों का अनुवाद ह...
View full detailsKhalil Gibran (MULTI VOL SET-4 Vols.)
Dr. Narendra Choudhry
खलील जिब्रान, 1883-1931, कवि, ज्ञानी और चित्रकार खलील जिब्रान ने लेबनान में जन्म लिया, जहां की धरती ने अनेक पैगम्बर उत्पन्न किये हैं। अरबी भाषा के ही नहीं अपितु विश्वभर में अनगिनत लोग, क्योंकि विश्व की अनेक भाषाओं में उनकी पुस्तकों का अनुवाद हुआ ह...
View full detailsKey To Hir Warish Shah
Bakshish Singh Nijjar
Waris Shah was born in Jandiala Sher Khan, Punjab, present-day Pakistan into a reputed Sayyid family and was a descendant of Sayyid Muhammad Al-Makki through his son Sayyid Badruddin. His father's name was Gulsher Shah and mother's name was Kamal ...
View full detailsKautilyan Arthasastra
M.B. Chande
An exhaustive Kautilyan administrative system, incorporating multi-dimensional parameters of police, defence, espionage, counter-espionage, punishments, judicial process — both criminal and civil, finance, economy, trade, intelligence, and the ent...
View full detailsKautilya: With Objective Type Questions
Chandra Deo Prasad
कौटिल्य पर प्रामाणिक तथ्यों का अभाव है। फिर भी, उनकी जीवनी, उनकी रचनाएँः अर्थशास्त्र तथा ऐसे ही उनके प्रत्येक अध्याय पर पूर्णरूप से प्रकाश डाला गया है एवं तथ्यों को दीपमाला की तरह सजाया और संवारा गया है। उनकी कुशल नीति और मार्गदर्शन से मौर्य साम्र...
View full detailsKashmir Under Maharaja Ranjit Singh
C. Baron V. Hugel, Annotated by D.C. Sharma
This work is an English version of a part of the travel account of German scholar Mr Charles Baron, Von Hugel who visited the world famous charming valley of Kashmir during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the lion of the Punjab. This travel ac...
View full detailsKashmir Samasya: Ek Vivechanatmak Adhyyan (in Hindi)
Manik Lal Gupt
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक, कश्मीरः कश्मीर समस्या, प्रारंभ से लेकर मिलेनियम की दहलीज तक के क्रमिक इतिहास का उद्घाटन करती है_ इस कृति में विषय सामग्री को स्तरीय ढंग से विवेचित करने का प्रयास किया गया है। कश्मीर समस्या से संबंधित नवीनतम् अनुसंधानों और नूतन विच...
View full detailsKashmir Problem And Its Solution
M.S. Ratnaparkhi
Kashmir Problem and Its Solution contributes greatly to our understanding of one of the most serious challenges facing the Indian nation. It tries to bring home to the readers that the Kashmir problem could be solved through the honest and determi...
View full detailsKaryalay Prabandh (Office Management)
R.C. Bhatia
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के बी.ए. (प्रोग्राम) रेग्युलर एवं नॉन-कॉलेजिएट वीमेन्स एजुकेशन बोर्ड (NCWEB) की द्वितीय वर्ष, नेशनल ओपन स्कूल (भारत सरकार), वोकेशनल कोर्स (कक्षा 11वीं एवं 12वीं), इंदिरा गांधी नेशनल ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी एवं अन्य विश...
View full detailsKarate: For Beginners and Advanced
Richard Murat
Ever since the evolution of human civilization, people have developed some or the other self-defense skills. Karate is one such skill that is growing in popularity with the passing of years. But unfortunately, only few are acquainted with the true...
View full detailsKamala Markandaya: A Critical Spectrum
M.K. Bhatnagar
Indian English literature has established its credentials all over the world. Still litterateurs in this stream have to be continuously appraised and evaluated and key issues like the impact of multiculturality and the role assigned to women have ...
View full detailsKamala Das: A Critical Spectrum
Rajeshwar Mittapalli, Pier Paolo Piciucco
As a poet Kamala Das merits a place among the best women poets of the twentieth century. She has made enormous contribution to Indian poetry in English by adding a feminist dimension to it, although she is not inclined to admit it. Perhaps derivin...
View full detailsJust So Stories
Rudyard Kipling
Just So Stories is a collection of 12 interesting stories with eccentric myths created by Rudyard Kipling. Most of the stories are fanciful revelations of how certain animals came to possess their distinguishing features. The characters are humoro...
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