Education For Ugc-Net/Slet: For Essay Type, Analytical/evaluative, Definitional and Text Based Questions
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The book has been designed for students appearing in UGC-NET/SLET in the subject of Education. The book is very comprehensive and shall be useful in preparing for essay type, analytical/ evaluative, definitional and text-based questions for the exam. In spite of our best efforts to cover all possible topics, the paper may contain some questions which are not covered in this book and can be answered only if the candidate has a thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the syllabus. For a thorough and elaborate knowledge of the subject, candidates are advised to read the following books published by Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd., viz. (i) Philosophy of Education by S.S. Chandra and Rajendra Kumar Sharma; (ii) Sociology of Education by S.S. Chandra and R.K. Sharma; (iii) Foundations of Education by Srinibas Bhattacharya; (iv) Fundamentals of Educational Psychology by M. Dash and Neena Dash; (v) Principles of Education by S.S. Chandra and Rajendra Kumar Sharma; (vi) Research in Education by S.S. Chandra and R.K. Sharma; (vii) Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education by R.P. Pathak; (viii) Educational Thinkers by V.R. Taneja and S. Taneja; (ix) Essentials of Exceptionality and Special Education by Neena Dash and M. Dash; (x) Socio-philosophical Approach to Education by V.R. Taneja; (xi) Advanced Educational Psychology by Ramnath Sharma and Rajendra Kumar Sharma; and (xii) Advanced Educational Technology by Ramnath Sharma and S.S. Chandra.
Atlantic Research Division is engaged in preparing quality textbooks on various subjects for postgraduate and undergraduate students pursuing various courses, as well as for those appearing in UGC-NET/SLET and other competitive examinations like IAS, IFS, IRS, IPS, etc. The Directors of the Atlantic Research Division are: • K.R. Gupta, M.A. Ph.D., has been teaching postgraduate classes and guiding research for about two decades in the University of Jammu and Kurukshetra University. He has written over twenty books and contributed several papers in journals being published in India and abroad. • D.S. Paul, M.A. English, has the experience of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students at colleges and institutes. He has written and edited several books and contributed articles in journals of repute. He has set model question papers for various competitive examinations. • Rajesh Kumar Shah, M.A. (Hons.) General Studies, Ph.D. has been a Jawaharlal Nehru Research Scholar and Visiting Fellow at Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia. He has more than twelve years experience in research, writing, teaching, editing and guiding students. He has earlier served as Editor of one of India’s leading competition magazines.