Sociology Of Education
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The present book is a comprehensive attempt to critically discuss Sociology of Education. It covers the syllabi of various Universities for M.A. (Sociology), B.Ed. and M.Ed. examinations. Part One of the book provides an introduction to the subject, through a discussion of the Meaning, Type and Functions of Education; Aims and Objectives of Education; Agencies of Education; Evaluation of the Current Educational Pattern; Curriculum; Teaching Devices and Innovations in Teaching. Part Two starts with an introduction to Educational Sociology and proceeds to discuss Socialization and Family; Peer Group and Education; The College; Social Functions of Education; Education, State and Community; Impact of Social Stratification in India; Education and Modernization in India; Social Change and Social Control through Education; Deschooling Society; Teacher’s Role in Society; Education and Economic Order; Values and Education; Education and Culture; Education for International Understanding; Education for Democracy; Education for Socialistic Pattern of Society; The Disturbed Campus and Materialism in Education and National Emotional Integration. The work is analytic in presentation and synthetic in discussing the subject matter, to provide an ideal textbook on the subject. The book will be found useful not only by the students but also by the teachers, policy makers and common readers.
Dr. Soti Shivendra Chandra, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., is Principal of the S.S. Post-graduate College, Shahjahanpur, Rohilkhand University. He has been teaching Under-graduate and Post-graduate students of education. Besides participating in many seminars and contributing many research papers, Dr. Soti has held several important positions at the university level. He has been co-author with Dr. Ram Nath Sharma in several books on Education including Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy of Education. Dr. Rajendra Kumar Sharma (born 1962), M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., U.G.C. Research Fellow, Panjab University, Chandigarh (1985-1988), worked in I.C.S.S.R. Sponsored Project (1987) on ‘Overseas Indian Entrepreneurs in Kenya’. He is LMI : Indian Sociological Society, Uttar Pradesh Samaj Shastra Parishad, Indian Research Association, U.P. Darshan Parishad. He is author of dozens of papers and books on Sociology both in Hindi and English. Dr. Sharma has utilised his experience of teaching Sociology to Post-graduate and Under-graduate students for writing ideal textbooks both in Hindi and English on almost all the papers taught in this subject at Indian Universities. He taught at N.A.S. P.G. College, Meerut (1987-1991). At present he is Lecturer at N.R.E.C. (P.G.) College, Ch. Charan Singh University.